As a marketing professional, I constantly think about ways to maximize each and every piece of content we produce as a department. Maximizing usually means taking our content and re-purposing it based on the distribution channel we plan on using. In the case of a video, I can think of 5 steps that all of us who produce videos should take advantage of each and every time we finish our production.


Everyone marketer knows videos are a tremendous way to tell a story. In fact, I can’t think of another medium that provides a more realistic setting for the viewer. Video has a way of taking the viewer right to the scene or location in the video. If it is that good, then why do marketers take so much time and effort to create a video and then leave it sitting on YouTube hoping that someone will see it. This is crazy. There is a better way.

Simple Steps To Get More Eyeballs

Videos that have voiceovers and on-camera interviews are really the best ones to repurpose in my opinion. Take advantage of the script writing that you took so much time on as well as the lighting, shooting, graphics and editing. You know what? Here’s a simple trick that you can use on nearly every video and you will instantly get more eyeballs on it in more places than you every thought.

  1. Transcribe every spoken word in your video from the first word in the voiceover to the last. I know this is time consuming, however, it will pay dividends. If you host videos on YouTube, you can use their free Close Captioning feature. As long as your voice is clear and articulate, YouTube will come pretty close to getting it right. If you already have a script, or you have transcribed the video yourself, all you have to do is copy and paste it in the “description” box for the video you are referring to.
  2. Highlight every good sound bite: Take a close look at your video transcript and highlight great sound bites that are worth featuring. You might discover 2-3 in your video or a whole lot more. Either way, this is the first start to uncovering your existing content and re-purposing it.
  3. Take screenshots of each person or key message you focused on when you made all your highlights in the transcript. If you’re on a MAC, it’s as simple as shift > command > 4, then choose the frame of the video you want to use. Choosing a sample screenshot is critical. Uploading and sharing pictures is the most common activity on Facebook.
  4. Copy the URL: On YouTube, find your video and simply copy the URL from the top address bar.
  5. Social Media: On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ or whatever social media channel is most effective for your business, copy the highlighted sound bite (just one of them) from your transcript directly into your social media post as well as the copied URL from YouTube. Then upload the screenshot from that video. Don’t forget to write a brief lead-in to engage your audience even further.

o   88% of B2C marketers use social media

o   72% include videosas a part of content marketing

o   72% of B2C marketers use YouTube

Regardless of whether your video is on your website, on YouTube or Vimeo, this same process applies. You want to take advantage of the key sound bites in all of your videos that are worth featuring. Then bring them to the forefront by highlighting these sound bites on your social channels. The secret sauce in this process is the screenshot. Make sure it’s a good one that is creative, compelling and supports the text that is in the social media post. Good luck! is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies.

Scott MacFarland




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