Do you find that blogs have started to be part of a high percentage of social media conversations? It appears that nearly every conversation I choose to enter almost always is the first touch point of a well thought out marketing conversation path that leads me to a blog. I must admit, at the time I look at the photo, click the social post; read the excerpt and then link to a blog, I am not thinking about being sucked-in. However, it does happen all the time, and it works.

If it works for me the savvy marketer, it will certainly work for your customers who are most likely not thinking about being teased and then hooked by a brand marketing strategy designed to bring the prospective customer closer.

Why Should I Blog? After all, It’s Just Words Right?

I asked myself this question and then thought about it for a while and realized… yeah, blogging is an immensely powerful tool that does not get the credit it deserves. After all, it’s been around for quite some time and hasn’t changed much since its inception. I guess that means it has had time to mature like a fine wine and gain in popularity.

5 Amazing Reasons Why Blogging Should Be In Your Marketing Strategy For 2015

1. Top of funnel feeder for your products and services: Blogging is a perfect awareness level feeder that can lead prospective customers closer to conversion

2.  Integrates nicely with social media and web: Because blogging is purely online, all of its content is easily shared on social media. It can also provide effective cross-linkages between social media, your website and the blog itself.

3. Blogging is easy: You know your business better than anyone. Your brain is constantly thinking about ideas. So get those into a blog and on your website. Many websites have blog engines built-in or have the capacity to simply integrate. If that doesn’t work, just create a page on your website with your blog content on it – yep, it’s that simple.

4. You can also use images and video: Blogs get shared a lot more when they have images. So think about a photo that aligns with your blog title and grab it from your website or shoot it with your smartphone. If those don’t work, you can always find stock photos online to purchase. Think about your blog image as cover to a book. If it’s boring, it may never get read.

5. Important ingredient for SEO: If your blog articles each have their own page, you will be creating a larger digital footprint on the web. This is good. Additionally, the title of your blog should include industry keywords that are important. This is also good. My suggestion is to blog at least 3 times per week. This shows Google and other search engines that you have fresh content… they like that. is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We are a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies.

Related Article: Make Your Blog Jump Off The Page is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We are a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies.

Scott MacFarland



Twitter: @scmacfarland

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Graphic Credit: HubSpot

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