173a928In a recently published eBook titled “8 Marketing Filters You Don’t Want To Forget” we talked about pouring your ideas through these filters, much like a coffee filter so you can get maximum return on your content marketing. Here we discuss Filter 1 and 2.

Filter 1: Personas

I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask you to think about whom you are creating your content for before you start. Think about this, decide, and then start. Do it before each and every message you create. Remember, a persona is a highly detailed description of your target audience. Give each persona a name – like Professional Paul or Millennial Mary. Also, add a photo representation of each one to give them some definition and realism.

Filter 2: Keywords

Know the most popular keywords that get your brand the most traction on the web. These will also work for you in social, email and other online channels. Your Google Analytics will tell you the most popular words that are being used to get to your site. You can also type in the Google search bar keywords that you think your customers may type in and four other options that are most closely related will appear. These provide you with the top options based on your word you typed in. – pretty cool.

These 2 filters will help you get started and moving in the right direction and also provide structure and guidance in your marketing execution.

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