If you’re a consumer like I think you are, you want to make up your own mind when you are searching for information in the pre-buying stage. You don’t want brands selling you on a feature like you see in some advertisements. You prefer to do the research yourself, as an intelligent consumer and make up you own mind on what’s best for you.

What Motivates Your Customer?

As a marketer, it’s my job to know my prospective customer very well. I should know them so well that I should be able to produce content that speaks perfectly to what they want. If I know their motivation for buying, I can create relevant and engaging content that should hopefully get them closer to the purchase stage. Knowing their motivations is VERY important.

Social Media Is Different

Because social media is vastly different than any other medium we use as marketers, we also have to use it differently. Remember, depending on who your prospective customers are all depends on how you craft your message post, what call to action you write, what photo you insert and probably most importantly, what social media channel you should use.

4 Social Media Tips:

  • Short Story: Social media content posts are more about telling a very short, compelling story to the customer. Tease them.
  • Questions: When creating content for a social post, think about what questions your customers have and answer them with your content posts.
  • Dialogue: You can also use social media to create a dialogue with the customer, drive them to a landing page on your website and provide an offer that will hopefully get them to give you some of their contact information in return for the offer.  
  • Ambassador: Customers can also be a brand ambassador for your company by sharing their own stories. You just might be surprised how frequently your content gets shared. Typically, engaging content that gets shared is highly relevant to the customer and also has an image attached.

All four of these will create a higher degree of relevance as well as increase the user engagement. According to a recent study by Junta42 and MarketingProfs.com,

Creating relevant content is the No. 1 challenge among content marketers by a wide margin.

Yourbrandexposed.com is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies.

Scott MacFarland

Web: www.Yourbrandexposed.com



Huffington Post:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-macfarland/




Social Media Today


Inbound Writer


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