As a manager of people, process, time, budget, ideas and all things marketing, I have seen in my career that strategies appear to be given more weight in the introductory phases when the real thinking is going on. This is really the pre-implementation phase. The critical thinking stages of a strategy are when the problems are being defined and the solutions are also being discussed. Remember, nothing has actually happened yet except discussions and maybe some decisions on paper. A lot of time is invested in this phase and rightly so.

What About Strategy Management?

In my opinion, it’s not just the strategy that’s important, it’s the ongoing management of the strategy that is the fuel for the engine to run and gain speed and momentum. Also, a marketing strategy is not just for the marketing department. All areas of a company are required to play an important role in executing any strategy. But…who’s managing all of the cross-functional areas in the company to make sure the strategy is being followed to the letter? Hmm… This is typically one of the areas that breaks down quickly and is very difficult to bring back to high efficiency status. Tip: if your company is trying to implement a new strategy, don’t forget to assign someone the job of managing it; you will be so glad you did.

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YourBrandExposed is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, web, social and content marketing strategies. Contact us if you’re feeling the digital squeeze on how to best market your company.

Scott MacFarland


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