0f1dd6aIn our final blog of the seriesVideo And The Modern Marketer, we discuss “why communicating to the customer is more challenging than ever before.”

As with our two previous blogs in our series, I asked Barry Sikes, Executive Chairman ofDefinition6 in Atlanta a few questions to get his insight.

Q: How Have Customers And User-Generated Content Created Challenges For Marketers?

Barry Sikes:

When brands and consumers have open two-way communications they shouldn’t be surprised when they receive feedback, be it negative or positive. There are many more cases of positive user generated content verses negative. I’ve seen many cases of negative content posted as a result of the brand missing the mark and the consumer calls them out. So it’s the responsibility of the brand to create a relevant message that elicits a positive consumer response.

Q: In What Ways Has Content Creation And Distribution Become So Important For Marketers?

Barry Sikes:

Consumers want relevant content that reaches them at the right time on the right device; that’s a lot to ask of a brand. Most marketers know they must influence a consumer in making a purchase of a product or a service; that has not changed. What has changed is the consumers’ willingness to be engaged in only a one-way communication.

As we know, today’s digital media is easily accessible anywhere, anytime and is no longer one-way as Barry mentioned. Today’s customer is bombarded by marketing messages every day. Each of these messages includes both one-way and interactive communications.

Because the customer is forced to make a choice, this in-turn makes the job of the marketer even more difficult. Why? Because individuals are not engaging in one or two media channels like they used to. They are seeing hundreds of messages per day and engaging in multiple media channels, sometimes, all in the matter of a few minutes.

  • Consumers Are Exposed To 300-700 Marketing Messages Per Day – Telesian

Additionally, because consumers have a choice and are also being bombarded by marketing messages, brands don’t have much time to get their attention and keep it. The ability to understand and then figure out the plethora of consumer choices to use for your marketing as well as capture and keep the consumer’s attention can be extremely difficult. We’ve gathered some data that will give you an idea of how much time you really have before you start losing the viewer’s attention.

How Long Do You Think It Takes Before You Start Losing The Viewer’s Attention? –Videobrewery

  • 10 seconds is how long you have to grab attention in video marketing
  • 20% of viewers will click away in 10 seconds or less
  • 33% of your viewers will click away by 30 second
  • 45% of them will click away by 60 seconds
  • 60% will click away by 2 minutes
  • Desktop viewers tend to stick around for 2 minutes or less
  • 5 minutes is the average time an iPad user sticks around

If the statistics above don’t help you to see that it’s tough to communicate to the customer nowadays, maybe Seth Godin’s comment on marketing messages being an interruption will help convince you.

The biggest problem with mass-market advertising, Godin says, is that it fights for people’s attention by interrupting them. FastCompany

With mobile video viewership on the rise, our customers are naturally watching more video on their hand-held devices. But, rising mobile viewing is also yet another piece of the complex marketing mix that must be harnessed by the brand marketer in order to communicate more effectively.

  • “1 in 6 videos where watched via mobile device in 2013.”


Give Video A Try

Even though video has been around for a long time and there are many marketing professionals who understand it very well, It still can be highly complex and even confusing to use.

The challenges of today’s digital-social world can make integrating video into your marketing mix a lot more difficult than you may have thought. However, our new digital world also provides a global platform for video marketing to be a whole lot more effective for brands of all sizes, industries and market segments.

Don’t be afraid to give video a try. The modern marketer that is successful understands and executes their marketing with video. They also use all of its associated methods and tools very well. The modern marketer that doesn’t understand video will most likely be surpassed by the competition and have difficulty catching-up.

Thank you for reading our 3 part series Video And The Modern Marketer. Look for more original content articles similar to this one on LinkedIn or Yourbrandexposed.com.



Photo Credit: Paul Bica


Definition 6














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