02001dbOne of the keys to marketing effectively using social media and content is to create fresh content using published research. This is not easy because it does take time. You can addexternal research to your original content and also existing content. This adds credibility and also validates your point. Don’t forget to make sure to source all your material that you get from outside websites. Once you get this content written, take advantage of platforms that will help you get more visibility. I like to use LinkedIn, Twitter and Slideshare for primarily distributing my original and repurposed editorial content. I also like to use other social media platforms.

Research Example

HubSpot created an infographic that provides some facts on demand generation. This is a great example of using a visual and research facts. Content items like this are great to use in your blogs and eBooks as well as social media posts to freshen-up your content and add credibility. Don’t forget to appropriately give the source credit like this.


Facts and Infographic: Hub Spot

External research: YourBrandExposed

If you’re looking for a list of websites that constantly deliver marketing research. This article will give you a great head start20 Websites That Provide Killer Marketing Research.


LinkedIn: 20 Websites That Provide Killer Marketing Research

Yourbrandexposed.com is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future with a creative, innovative marketing angle. A digital-business perspective for marketers!

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