Desperation Marketing – Time To Change

Desperation Marketing – Time To Change

Do you sometimes feel as if your brand is desperate in their attempt to generate qualified leads? I have seen this periodically in my career, especially in the marketing agency world where clients are not exactly sure what to do or how to execute. As I spend time researching marketing techniques and best practices, I see that some brands appear to be desperate in trying to find customers.

Propel Your Content Marketing to New Levels

Propel Your Content Marketing to New Levels

If you are engaging in content marketing for your business, you obviously know how important it is. As marketers, we are hardwired to be great content producers and also understand the tools and channels available. However, good content marketing is a whole lot more than just that. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned veteran or a rookie, your marketing content must be produced with a multi-purpose objective and strategy.

6 DON’TS of Marketing

6 DON’TS of Marketing

It’s amazing how many tips there are for marketers. Because technology, the Internet, mobile and social are all changing at warp speed, we have to continually change with them. With that being said, it’s pretty easy to find advice on what to do. Hmm… after all, I am one of those people writing on tips and advice.

7 Reasons Why I Am a #Marketing Junkie

7 Reasons Why I Am a #Marketing Junkie

I know, this may sound like a blog article that comes straight from a marketing workshop… but it really isn’t. Let me begin by stating, marketing was not a career I originally thought of when I entered college way back in the dark ages. However, after nine years of being in broadcast television,

Learning: A Continual Quantum Leap > Of Change

Learning: A Continual Quantum Leap > Of Change

As a career long content producer and marketer, I feel my professional journey has been full of change. Years ago, marketing was far different than it is now. The tools we used in the industry were vastly different than the tools used today. Even the information that I was learning back then, now appears to be soooo old-school. I am totally dating myself… but you get the idea.