Innovation And The Unknown

Innovation And The Unknown

It seems that companies are tossing around the innovative word like it’s a piece of candy to be chewed on and enjoyed because it tastes so sweet. Maybe some companies can innovate that way and actually benefit from the process. However, I am not quite so sure the innovation process works that way. I tend to think that the companies who launch a product with the innovative label on it are probably entering unknown territory.

Can Innovation Cause Inefficiencies?

Can Innovation Cause Inefficiencies?

Have you ever wondered what innovation, communication, collaboration, connecting and company efficiencies have in common? My creative brain was thinking about a few of these and then came up with this wacky thought. You know… I think I am on to something.

A Glimpse Inside the Minds of 3 Business Leaders

A Glimpse Inside the Minds of 3 Business Leaders

Have you ever wondered what today’s business leaders think about? How about what keeps them up at night? Many people dream about owning and operating their own business. However, they fail to recognize that running a business is not always a walk in the park. In fact, tough questions must be asked almost every day in order to keep the business running smoothly.