As a marketer, I am always reviewing trends of consumer behavior. Do you find yourself doing the same thing? Today’s plugged-in, always-on marketing gurus are voracious readers, enjoy studying changes in the market and love to adapt these to how we do our job. Maybe not all of you enjoy those things, but I know I do and it makes a huge difference in how engaging is to the readers.

What is the best advice you can give yourself when thinking of producing content?

I’m sorry; I cannot give you an all-or-nothing answer. However, I can give you 10 tips that you will definitely want to use before you just produce and publish and call it a day.

  1. Do you know whom you are producing your content for? (Personas)
  2. What is their motivation for wanting to read your content?
  3. What is your reason for publishing the content?
  4. How much content is too much for them?
  5. What is the style / look & feel best for your readers?
  6. What do you want the reader of your content to do once they read it?
  7. Did you provide them with a compelling call-to-action (CTA)?
  8. If your content is designed to be a top-of-funnel piece of content, where are you leading the customer to next?
  9. Cross-promote your content with all your other media channels
  10. 10. Don’t forget to think about keywords. These are important, especially if you think about using them with a hashtag. For instance, this article will be tagged with #contentmarketing is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for small businesses looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies to increase sales.

Scott MacFarland




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