If you’re a content marketer, this is a phrase you need to keep on your mind 24×7. One of the most important things you can do with all of your content marketing once it’s completed is to share it as much as possible (without going overboard of course). You don’t want your content to be alone, reveal it, share it, expose it, let the world know it exists… besides, it’s good stuff, so don’t be afraid to let everyone know.

If your content is alone and not shared on many other digital channels, then you need to get that started immediately. Repurposing content is critical to increase exposure many times over. My suggestion is to simply create a spreadsheet with the content you are creating and have already created. Then assign other digital channels to that finished content in which you will share it. It’s really not that difficult. The more organized you are with your existing content, the easier it will be for you to share it. The practice of sharing extends the life of the content and also increases the value of it as well.

  • 94% carefully consider how the information they share will be useful to the recipient. (SocialMediaToday)
  • 84% share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about. (SocialMediaToday)
  • 78% share information online because it lets them stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in touch with. (SocialMediaToday)

Among the top 10 activities on Facebook for Q2 2013, uploading and sharing photos has been the top activity on desktop, mobile and tablet (Jeffbullas.com)

Yourbrandexposed.com is designed to look at digital with an eye into the future using a creative, innovative marketing perspective. We’re a consultative and tactical resource for companies looking to leverage the power of digital, social and content marketing strategies.

Scott MacFarland                                                                                                                                                               Web: www.Yourbrandexposed.com                                                                                                                      Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmacfarland                                                                                   Twitter: @scmacfarland                                                                                                                                         Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-macfarland/                                                               Email: YourBrandExposed@yahoo.com





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Photo Credit: HubSpot

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