Photo Credit: CC0 License – Startupstockphotos | Pexels

Okay, it’s the New Year and you haven’t had a chance to assess your team’s marketing efforts from last year. We all understand, the tyranny of the urgent typically gets our attention. Before Q1 gets too far down the road, make sure to take a look back before you plan for what’s ahead. Who knows, there just might be some juicy nuggets of information that will help you create a better plan for this year.

These 8 questions are about all you need to get the conversation started. Think big and also think about the little things that fall under each of these questions below. Once your team dives in, it will naturally generate even more questions that lead to more answers, which is exactly what you want. Once your team has completed this high-level assessment, you will soon see that it can be the springboard for making adjustments on existing campaigns, or as baseline data for creating something brand new.

  1. How did your overall marketing perform last year compared to assumptions?
  2. What did your marketing team learn about specific strategies, and tactical initiatives in 2016? (Be specific)
  3. What did marketing contribute to achieving the overall revenue target for the company?
  4. Which marketing campaigns generated the most leads?
  5. Which marketing campaigns generated the highest impact on the sales pipeline?
  6. Which campaigns generated the fewest qualified leads?
  7. How many marketing qualified leads does marketing need to generate annually to support a healthy and realistic sales pipeline?
  8. In what ways is your marketing team’s efforts reaching out to the customer that is not as good as you want it to be?

NOTE: Ask the why question for each one of these listed below. Answering why will help to provide clarity and definition for each of the eight questions and also provide a reference point if your team needs to adjust in a certain area.

Additional digital marketing articles: is a digital marketing and strategy consultancy that works with businesses big and small to solve their most difficult questions surrounding digital content creation, brand and creative development, generating qualified leads, business growth and strategic partnerships. Let us know how we can serve you.

Scott MacFarland

Founder, Chief Content Marketer, Digital Strategist –  | HuffingtonPost | LinkedIn | Twitter @scmacfarland

Photo Credit: CC0 License – Startupstockphotos | Pexels


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