20 Symptoms Your Marketing Is Not Performing

20 Symptoms Your Marketing Is Not Performing

Have you ever wondered why your marketing is not attracting the quantity of customers you need? “Where are the propspects?” you ask. As a marketer, this is a tremendous fear that many of us have when we realize our pipeline isn’t full of quality prospects and doesn’t appear to be attracting more. When you finally think it with that little voice in your head, you know it’s time to figure out the problem immediately, or it may be too late.

8 Tips All Companies and Sales Teams Need To Know

8 Tips All Companies and Sales Teams Need To Know

How many times have you heard this phrase? “Sales is a numbers game.” As sales professionals, your job isn’t to throw everything on the wall to see what sticks. That’s like making cold calls to companies or individuals who you know nothing about. You don’t want to do this just to see what lead turns-up. Your sales team will spend lots of time and energy time trying to find prospects, then when they think they find someone, the prospect is not likely to purchase. Do you really want your sales team wasting time trying to sell someone that isn’t a good fit and probably won’t purchase? Aaah, No. The answer is to train your team on how to develop leads that are truly qualified and a right fit for your products and services.

How to Convince the Boss Your Idea Is Incredible!

How to Convince the Boss Your Idea Is Incredible!

Here are 9 great tips that will help to make sure you communicate your message clearly and articulately every time. Before you begin, your presentation, remember; go slow and leave room for your boss to ask questions. Sometimes silence and pausing can be very effective. That means thinking is happening.

Super Marketing Tips for Super Bowl Results

Super Marketing Tips for Super Bowl Results

The recent Super Bowl was exciting because it kept the viewer on the edge of their seat for the entire game. As I watched I could see each team looking at plays, game plans, plays and data that help them gain an edge over their opponent. I am a big football fan so I enjoyed that aspect of the game. But I am also a marketer, and I see there are many similarities of a successful football team that relate to successful marketing.

A Peek Inside a Luxury Brand Manual

A Peek Inside a Luxury Brand Manual

I have a passion for luxury brands; it’s in my DNA. When I spend time reading…don’t laugh, I read about brands, marketing, digital and innovation. However, I also read about luxury brands and see how they are producing their marketing. Once in a while I am told that I think like a digital marketing nerd. You know what? I am okay with that. I am a more intelligent, creative, innovative marketer because of it.