The Real Power of a Marketing Ecosystem (Part 1)

The Real Power of a Marketing Ecosystem (Part 1)

Why is it some marketers are afraid of the word “strategy?” I think it’s because they can’t muster up the brain power to wrap their arms around their entire strategic ecosystem. Or maybe it’s because they would rather not organize and operate their marketing within a planned structure. Either way, when you’re missing a strategy, your team and your brand are missing out on the secret sauce of success which is a thoughtful, planned approach designed to reach and connect with customers for the right reasons.

What Happens When Content Marketing Meets Your Customer?

What Happens When Content Marketing Meets Your Customer?

When effective content marketing meets your customers, the magic happens. Before we dive in to the secret sauce behind the magic, what comes first, content or the customer? That’s not a trick question. It’s a real test to see which direction your content marketing is headed. If you’re not sure about how this should play out for the benefit of your marketing and your customer…read on.

Marketers: Are You Translation Experts?  [PART 2]

Marketers: Are You Translation Experts? [PART 2]

In our two-part series, we are unpacking the definition of what translation in marketing really means, and the value of doing it well. In Part 1 we reviewed the tactical aspects of being a marketer and how translation factors in your day-to-day workflow. Here in Part 2 we will delve into four new areas equally as important, yet different in function and impact. Let’s get started.

Marketers: Are You Translation Experts? You Should Be [PART 1]

Marketers: Are You Translation Experts? You Should Be [PART 1]

Have you ever wondered about the volume of change you have to endure because you’re in a marketing career? I mean, really… it’s akin to a fire hose attached to your mouth and you just can’t keep up. But wait, that’s not the tricky part. Because technology, consumer behavior, media, analytics and digital options shift frequently, that means as a marketing leader you must shift with them and understand how to translate the change-environment that is occurring and how it impacts your business.

Tips For Your Marketing Spend and Team Efficiency

Tips For Your Marketing Spend and Team Efficiency

Marketing leaders always look at their budgets it comes with the territory. Usually, the result of where your budget ends up by years-end is; you are over-budget, on-target or under-budget. However, crazy as it sounds, ending up in any of these three could also mean there were poor marketing decisions along the way. Determining your marketing spend is not as cut and dry as bean-counters think.

Does Your Marketing Team Have Conversion Confusion?

Does Your Marketing Team Have Conversion Confusion?

With today’s advanced metrics revealing more consumer behavior patterns than ever before, the term conversion has risen to the top of the discussion food chain in marketing circles. What it hasn’t done yet is provide a crystal clear definition as to why a conversion should be looked at differently based on where the customer touch point location in the funnel is.