Marketers, Do You Have A Measurement Plan?

Marketers, Do You Have A Measurement Plan?

I often wondered why marketing measurement is thought to be so important when not all-important things are measured? I find this question to be quite intriguing. Marketing teams are asked to “measure” nearly every possible thing they can with the hopes that the data they uncover will be helpful. We all know that data acquisition is very important. The outcomes that help define customer behavior, process and procedural efficacy and many other important digital marketing initiatives can be significant. However, is there a point at which too much data measurement is too much? As a marketer, how do you know when your measurement process may be impeding your everyday workflow? Hmm

Does Your Marketing Plan Need An Exit Strategy?

Does Your Marketing Plan Need An Exit Strategy?

Marketers and small business owners rarely think about the terms, “Marketing Plan” and “Exit Strategy” and use them in the same sentence. Individually these are talked about frequently in business circles and both have incredible value when executed correctly. I would like to combine these to see if there is merit in leveraging the definition and outcomes of each. Believe it or not, both of these have a similar result that is the culmination of the strategy and hard work it takes to accomplish their goals. Hmm… can they really coexist to help businesses perform at higher level? Should marketers think differently in order to perform at a higher level? –I think we’re on to something.