No Wonder Marketing is Hard – Branding is Confusing

No Wonder Marketing is Hard – Branding is Confusing

What is the true definition of the word brand? Does anyone really know? Maybe if we go to the Oxford Dictionary we can figure out why the word brand is so puzzling. I think you might agree the meaning of the word brand or branding is somewhat confusing and misunderstood. I really think it’s due to the over-saturation of marketing and advertising placed on everything, everywhere, all the time. Nobody really knows if the brand is the company, the product or the service or all three. Which is it? Even us marketers sometimes scratch our heads wondering how to define it and best take advantage of a brand’s key attributes.

Why is Digital and the Customer Experience So Important?

Why is Digital and the Customer Experience So Important?

The power and influence of digital is now getting the attention it deserves. Entire industries are scrambling to keep pace while emergent technologies continue to provide new ways for businesses to shape a new future for themselves. Digital is no longer a techy or creative term only heard in marketing agency conversations and in the hallways of companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Tesla and Microsoft. Digital is completely driving our economy through every customer touch point and delivery method. It has also has completely re-shaped the way we do business. The digital economy has been thrust upon us almost overnight and is disrupting once tried and true business models.

The DNA of a Great Business Pitch

The DNA of a Great Business Pitch

A great pitch can include some of the same content, and it really doesn’t matter if you’re pitching a prospective client, looking for venture capital for your start-up or even trying to find someone to be a donor for your cause. The style and DNA of what you’re talking about is very similar.